
Welcome friends! It's so good to have you here! The purpose of my blog is to share with you God's word and events in my life. My purpose is to give God all the glory which is due to Him always. Hope you enjoy! -Brady

Monday, January 10, 2011


Tonight it snowed. Yep, that means the roads were slippery, and I had to go to a CAP meeting. So, my Dad drove me! I was thinking about the slippery road we were on, especially as we passed several cars in the ditch. As we drove I was watching my father's driving skills. When we got onto the entrance ramp, he made the turn at a careful speed, then excellerated slowly until he got up to a safe speed. I also observed that he kept his hand on the shifting stick, in case he needed to slow down, because, as he told me later, if you hit your breaks on snow, you are likely to slide and lose control. I pondered on these things the whole way there and the whole way back. Then as I thought about these things when I got home, something hit me. God gave us fathers for a reason. It's our duty to respect and honor them, but it is also our duty to learn their wisdom.

Praise God for the awesome father he gave me! Willing to teach me all he knows, and loving enough to show me safer ways of doing things! I love my father. Do you love your's? Does he know you do?

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, I love my Dad! He's going through a tough time and it's really affecting us as a family, but I do pray for him...a lot...
